Paul’s letter to Ephesus could have been subtitled, “The Church of Christ”…and his letter here to the church at Colosse could be subtitled, “The Christ of the Church”. After his greeting to the believers Paul goes right into speaking of the preeminence of Jesus Christ. He reminds them how desperately we believers need Jesus for everything. He is our strength according to His power, in order for us to live as His faithful followers. It is Jesus who qualifies us to be partakers of the inheritance of God…that is our eternal salvation and all that goes with it. Jesus has delivered us from darkness into the kingdom of God’s marvelous light. He can do this because He is…the Redeemer…the image of the invisible God…the Creator of all things…the eternal One, and the sustainer of all things…and the Head of the church. He is all this and so much more!
Paul tells us we are reconciled to God through Jesus. It is through the blood of His cross, His death, that we now have peace with God. We were once outsiders, and even enemies of God, but Jesus has reconciled us to God, so we can now be welcomed by Him. Paul closes the first chapter stating his willingness to suffer for the message of Christ, and stating our call to warn everyone of the judgment that is coming on those who reject Jesus. This is not just a warning, but also a message of hope for those who would come to Christ. We are called to do the same thing in our world.
Please share your thoughts from today’s reading.