The Psalmist asks a question…” Who is the King of Glory”? The Psalmist answers his own question by declaring this truth…” The Lord is the King of Glory”! Because this is true, the earth is the Lord’s, and everything that is in it. Only those who have clean hands and a pure heart may ascend to the mountain of the Lord, and stand in His presence. We need to understand that there is no way we can clean our own hands, or make our own hearts pure. Only the Lord, through Jesus, can make our hands clean, and our hearts pure. When that happens, as the writer of Hebrews says, “We can come freely into the presence of the Lord, and seek help in our time of need.” Because God is the King of glory, and we belong to Him…it is He who fights our battles. You know what that means? Guaranteed victory! Ezekiel shares an important truth…” The soul that sins shall die”. What he is clarifying is personal responsibility. I know that concept is almost unheard of in today’s society. Seems people are being told that their sin is not their responsibility, but it is someone else’s fault. Certainly, the sin of others affects us, and has an impact upon us. But, whether we sin or not is no one else’s responsibility, that choice belongs to us. Should someone sin against you, or should their choice to sin have an impact on you and others…they will stand before God and give an account for their sin. If a person refuses to repent, and trust what Jesus has done for their sin, they will die in their sin. Jesus came so we would not die in our sin…but that we might know the forgiveness of God, and have eternal life.
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