We are called to be a people of humility. While most people in our world consider humility as a sign of weakness…the strongest, most powerful man who ever lived was also the most humble man who ever lived. It actually takes more strength to live in genuine humility than to live in pride. Humility never draws attention to self…for once it does it ceases to be humility. Humility, fully actualized, never thinks too much of itself, but neither does it think too little of itself…humility doesn’t think of itself at all. Jesus is our example of genuine humility…Paul tells us that we are to have the same mind as Jesus did. Jesus who is God, made of Himself no reputation, as He took on the flesh of His own creation and came as a man. He humbled Himself to the point that He allowed them to crucify Him on a cross. Not for Himself, but for all who would believe in Him. He gave up everything so that we would have everything. Therefore, we are called to walk in His way…to do all things without grumbling and complaining. And we are to hold fast to the word of life we have received because of what Jesus did for us.
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