The people are back in Judah, and should have finished rebuilding the Temple, but they have stalled in their apathy and selfishness. Two of the great truths about our God is that He is faithful and He walks in integrity. We as the followers of Christ should exhibit these traits also. God had called Judah to be faithful in their renewal and in their commitment to rebuilding the Temple. Sadly, they were neither. Nor were they a people of integrity…it was too easy for them to speak what they committed to do, without any intention of doing it. Zechariah used God-given visions to remind the people of the future hope that God had promised. Promises of hope, renewal of Jerusalem, and ultimately the coming Messiah. Then the Lord promises a day when Israel and Judah would once again be restored and united. God will be faithful to do all these things when He says he will…for He is a God of integrity. The prophet had hoped this would encourage the people to do what they had committed to do. In Romans, Paul reminds us of the freedom we have in Christ. He also warns that this liberty we now have is not a license to live anyway we want. We live for others, not for ourselves. So, if something we do causes spiritual harm to another believer, then we are to refrain from doing it. Also, if we are mature in our faith we will not let the doubtful things that other believers do easily cause us offense. We are a biblical people, loving one another, and giving biblical liberty to our brothers and sisters in Christ.
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