Paul continues his letter of encouragement to the church at Thessalonica by reminding them that when Paul came to the city he spoke to them the truth, and from living the truth before the people. They did not share with the people of Thessalonica from a place to build up themselves, or to make themselves look more important than others. Paul spoke of how they approached the church in order that they might grow in their new faith in Jesus. They approached these new believers as a gentle mother. As a mother loves and cherishes her own children, that is how Paul felt and treated the church. He then says he also approached them as a good father does his own children. He encouraged them, challenged them, and comforted them as a father does his children. Then Paul said that he approached them as a brother. He walked beside them…he was growing along side them…and he stood up for them against the enemies of the faith. Paul tells them that Satan was active against him as he tried to work with them, to grow them up in the Lord. This kind of struggle with Satan is always there when the people of God are growing, and moving ahead in the Lord. Paul wanted them to know that the joy and hope that he received in sharing and watching them grow was greater than and opposition that the enemy would bring.
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