Chapter 2 of 2 Timothy could be titled, “how to pastor”. Paul gives Timothy instructions that he can apply as he serves as a pastor. What Paul shares in this chapter would greatly help every pastor in fulfilling his duties…if only the pastor would apply it to his life and ministry.
A pastor is to pour the truth, knowledge, and application he has received in his faith walk into others…this is called discipleship. A pastor is to be focused and understand that he is a soldier of Jesus. He has one “Commander”…there is no myriad of leaders the pastor is to obey, only Jesus. A pastor must be careful not to be distracted by the different issues of this world. My experience is that people, the world, and even Christians expect the pastor to be involved in everything, and speak to everything…I have one mission that has been given to me in my call from God…I will focus on that…I will not be distracted.
Paul goes on to tell Timothy, and all pastors, that part of the calling is the fact that if the pastor is faithful he will experience the things that Christ suffered. Certainly, not at the same level…and the pastor will have Christ to give him what he needs, but he will suffer for the cause of Christ non the less. A pastor must also be a diligent worker. The ministry is no place for a sluggard. A pastor must be diligent both in his calling, and his walk before the Lord, and others. Shunning profane babblings, and standing against those who would come into the church with their toxic teachings. He must always build upon the sure foundation that is Jesus Christ. The pastor needs to be living the biblical Christian life, for how can he call people to live what he is not living…unless of course he is a hypocrite. Then the pastor needs to be a gentle servant of God and the people of God. A pastor can deal with difficult issues, stand strong, and be gentle toward others at the same time. The Holy Spirit makes this possible.
Please share your thoughts from today’s reading.