The writer of Hebrews uses some interesting titles for Jesus. He calls Him the High Priest and Apostle. These offices no longer exist…Jesus is our High Priest; therefore, we no longer need an earthly High Priest in order to approach God…we go directly through Jesus. The title Apostle speaks of authority in the church…one whose words and leadership reflect the authority of God in our lives. There are no modern-day Apostles, nor are they needed…Jesus is all that we need. Moses represents God’s law and God’s rescue of His people. Jesus is the fulfillment of the law of God…He is the very personification of God’s law. Jesus is our Rescuer…the truth is, if Jesus does not rescue any of us, we cannot be rescued. Moses was a forerunner of Jesus…he faithfully served the Lord’s purpose for His people, now Jesus has fulfilled God’s purpose for His people. The people of God rebelled against the Lord when they rejected Moses leadership…it cost many their lives, and the rest to wander around in the wilderness of sin. The writer of Hebrews warns us not to harden our hearts in rebellion against Jesus…this would cost those who do eternity. Israel never entered into the rest of the Lord because of rebellion…we as Christians can only find rest in Jesus.
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