Are you a watchman? Do you love people enough to warn them of the impending danger on the horizon? The Lord told Ezekiel that his job as a prophet was to be a watchman that sat on the wall and kept his eyes open for danger. He was not just to know that danger was coming, but he was to sound the alarm that danger was coming. People, for the most part, don’t want to hear these warnings. They would rather remain ignorant, believing everything is going to be okay. I had a lady one time tell me she was changing churches, because I was too negative…she wanted only positive messages. Let me tell you, I would love more than anything to only have to speak about positive things. But, we don’t live in a world, or a time, that allows me to do so. I have to shout that danger is coming. I have to declare that the land is polluted with sin, with corrupt leaders, with ungodly preachers of heresy. I have to call out to those lost in sin, that Jesus died for them, and believing in Him brings salvation…but rejecting Him leads to eternal damnation in hell. I am a watchman, and I intend to stand my post, and do my duty to warn people that destruction is coming…the enemy is at the gate. So, are you a watchman? You are called to be one…and you are accountable to be one, whether you do your job or not. Paul tells us to stay away from both error and greed as followers of Jesus, they lead to nothing good. We are to live our lives according to what Scripture teaches…therefore having a good confession before the world. Finally, we are to guard the faith. We must stand up against false teachers and heresy, for they and it are destroying precious souls.
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