The world would have you believe that they love and accept Jesus. This is not true…what is true they love and accept a caricature of Jesus that they have created and are comfortable with. Peter tells us that Jesus to the world, and especially the established religious world, is a “stone of stumbling”. You see, the world and religious minded people don’t want to come to Jesus…they want to re-create a “Jesus” that fits into their lifestyle and religious paradigm. Peter quotes the Psalmist in saying that to most Jesus is a “stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense”. He also quotes Isaiah in saying that God has given Jesus to us as the “chief cornerstone” … and if we believe in Him, we will be saved. Peter tells us that we are commanded to refrain from fleshly lusts, and to conduct ourselves with integrity and in an honorable manner. We are to walk in the goodness of our actions as we wait for the day of the Lord’s return. We are to be good citizens out of our reverence for the Lord. We are to be honest and trustworthy in our business life and in our dealings with other people. Jesus is our Savior, and He is our example in how to live in a world that will certainly reject us for following the Lord. If the world is going to speak against us…let them speak against us for our genuine faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior.
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