What do you do when you speak God’s truth and its not accepted? Amos shared what the Lord revealed to him, and the people of Israel rejected it, and rejected him. As a Pastor, I have been rejected many times, along with the message that the Lord gave me out of His Word. I will not tell you that I did not want to get defensive, but through the years I have discovered that it really wasn’t about me…it was a manifestation of their hatred of God and rejection of His truth. We are not called to defend the validity of God’s Word…it is our call to obediently share it. Neither God, nor His Word need me to defend them…God needs me to obey Him, and His Word needs me to proclaim it. God can, and will, defend Himself. Israel like many today, erroneously believe that if they reject God, and His Word, they won’t have to deal with its truth. Mankind’s rejection of God and His Word, change nothing about God or His Word. Paul understood the reality of this truth. In Acts he begins his ministry…and anywhere he went either a revival broke out, or a rebellion. It wasn’t Paul, it was the Lord. Truth is there is no middle ground when it comes to the Lord and His Word…you either love the Lord or you hate Him…you either obey His Word or you reject it.
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