In our reading today Ezekiel deals with three promises of God that are coming for His covenant people, Israel. You will notice that this happens to a reunited Israel, which we will look at in tomorrow’s reading. God continues to give Ezekiel prophetic understanding of the city, in relationship to the coming Messiah. Also, how the city will not only celebrate Messiah, but will function under the headship of Messiah in all things. We also see the Temple mentioned, and a river that will flow from under the Temple in all directions. Speaking of God’s provision for His people flowing from Him to them. The picture of the water speaks of life…especially in a desert place. Then finally God gives the borders of the land…notice that they are much larger than the land today, and more closely relates to the promise given to Abraham. It could be said that this is the fulfillment of the land promise that God gave to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Forever, there has been a dispute over the land…and it continues today. I have no question who the land belongs to, it belongs to the Lord. And He has clearly expressed who He has given it to. To me the issue is settled. In Acts 8 Saul, who would soon be converted and named Paul, persecutes the church…he was even there when Stephan was stoned…he was the authority who would have authorized it. God uses Philip to bring the Gospel to the Samaritans…showing that the Gospel is for all people, and God is not a respecter of people. Then Philip is used by God once again to spread the Gospel, this time to move out of the area of Israel. Philip shares with an Ethiopian official, and as this man believes in Jesus, the Gospel is spread to the African continent. In our reading today, we have seen the sovereignty of God in all things in heaven and on earth…and the call, and necessity, of sharing the Gospel to all people, everywhere.
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