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  • Writer's picturePastor Tony Pierce



The Lord has purity for us. He calls us to walk in purity, and He instructs us to desire the pure milk of the Word. It is in purity the Lord called us to grow. For we know and have experienced the graciousness of the Lord. Jesus is our living stone, our precious and perfect Cornerstone. Though He was and is rejected by this world, but we cherish Him and realize that all things that will be built to last on built on and from Him. Because of Jesus we are now priests before God…and able to offer up spiritual sacrifices to our God. Why spiritual sacrifices? Because there is no need for the continuation of the blood sacrifices under the old covenant. Jesus has, once and for all, given the ultimate and final sacrifice of His own body. While Jesus is our perfect Cornerstone, He is a stone of stumbling for those who refuse to believe. And though we were once estranged from God, we are now made the people of God through Jesus.

Because we are now the people of God, we are told to realize that we are aliens and sojourners in this world. Our citizenship is in heaven…” this world is not my home, I am just passing through”. So, we conduct ourselves like the people of God…not like the lost of this world. We give honor to whom it is do, in submitting to the governmental authorities over us. In the United States we must remember that our ultimate civil authority is the Constitution, it is not a particular person or political party. As the people of God, we are to properly relate to our employers. We are called to be the best employees any company has ever had…for we work for God, not man. We had at one time been like sheep that had gone astray, but we have now returned to our great Shepherd, the One who oversees our souls. So, let’s live like the people of God…even though we live in this land where we don’t really belong.

Please share your thoughts from today’s reading.


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