MAY 5 READINGS...1 Chronicles 29:1-22 & 1 Kings 1:1-53
In today's readings you will see one of the greatest examples of biblical giving anywhere. You will also see the eternal truth expressed that for the genuine believer giving to God comes from the understanding that ALL things belong to God. To give back to the Lord that which belongs to Him is not based on obligation or duty...but comes from the understanding that we are greatly blessed and privileged of God to give to Him. David expresses this thought in his statement..."Who am I, and who are my people, that we could give anything to You? Everything we have has come from You, and we give only what You first gave us!" It blessed David's heart to be able to watch the people give to the Lord and the building of His temple, joyously and willingly. This is giving...this is what is all about...this is how we are called to give. 2 Corinthians 9:7..." So, let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver." Are you one who recognizes everything you have is from God? Are you a giver? What is your attitude when it comes to giving?
David has gotten old and is coming to the end of his reign...his age has caused him to be unaware of what is happening in his own palace and in the kingdom. Once again one of his sons, Adonijah, has decided to step out and make himself king. The Lord has already expressed to David that Solomon would be the next king...and though David knew this, and recognized it, now was the time to declare it to the nation of Israel. Adonijah tried pulling together followers, and even called all his brothers together, as he declared himself king. While he was still celebrating his declaration, king David had the officials declare Solomon king of Israel. When this news reached Adonijah he became filled with fear, and those with him scattered. Solomon gave Adonijah the opportunity to acknowledge him as king, and allowed him to swear allegiance to Solomon, which he did. Solomon would begin his reign as king...but even this would not be without bloodshed, as people in places of power, and in his own family would try to stand against him.
Please share your thoughts and insights from today's readings. I pray that we all we be biblical givers...understanding that everything we have is from God...and that we would willingly and joyously give back to Him.
TOMORROW'S READINGS...1 Kings 2:1-9 & 2 Samuel 23:1-7 & 1 Kings 2:10-12 & 1 Chronicles 29:26-30 & Psalm 4 & Psalm 5 & Psalm 6 & Psalm 8 & Psalm 9 & Psalm 11