We read today of Saul’s miraculous conversion to faith in Jesus. Some might feel slighted for not having the same dramatic experience…but let me say that anyone who is saved, is saved miraculously. The Holy Spirit does what is needed for each of us to respond to Jesus for salvation. Much was needed for Saul, and the Lord did what was needed. He did exactly what was needed for you and me to respond to Him also. Saul was sent to a disciple of Jesus named Ananias…who was reluctant to receive Saul, knowing what he had been doing to believers. The Lord assured Ananias that this was His plan, and that Saul would have to suffer many things for the cause of Christ. Ananias prayed over Saul and he received the Holy Spirit. Ananias was the first to call Saul brother. Saul remains with the believers in Damascus and even preaches there. Soon those who Saul used to walk with sought to kill him. Saul goes to Jerusalem where he begins to witness among the cautious believers there. It was Barnabas who received Saul and encouraged others to receive him.
Peter continues his ministry. He heals a man in the Name of Jesus who had been bed-ridden for eight years. Then Peter raises a woman named Dorcus from the dead. She was a faithful follower of Jesus. The power of God worked through Peter as he raised Dorcus up, and many came to faith in the region of Joppa when they heard of this great miracle. The Holy Spirit continues to work among us today, both in bringing people to faith in Jesus, and in healing people of their infirmities. As Saul and Peter trusted in the Holy Spirit to accomplish their God-given ministries…we too need to fully rely on the Holy Spirit for all things.
Please share your thoughts from today’s reading.