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  • Writer's picturePastor Tony Pierce



What are your expectations about Jesus? Do you and I live in anticipation that the Lord is going to do something in our lives, beyond our wildest imaginations? Or do we actually live our lives not expecting the power of the Holy Spirit to be manifested in our lives? Do we really believe that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in us? Even after Jesus had told His followers that He would die, and three days later would rise from the dead…they had no real expectation that would happen. The women went to the tomb of Jesus expecting to do the final preparation of Jesus’ dead body. They were not expecting that Jesus would literally rise from the dead. It was not part of their experience. We Christians like a “comfortable” faith…we like for the Lord to do His work within the parameters of our comfort zone. We really don’t want Him to do something outside what we are comfortable with. Yet, Jesus is our Lord precisely because He did something that no one else could do…something greater than what any religion has ever done. Christ knows our limitations and yet He loves us anyway. He is always ready to reveal Himself in our lives…He did this for Mary Magdalene. When He does this our lives are changed forever. Jesus also appeared to His disciples and remove any doubt that Thomas or they all had about who Jesus is and that He is raised from the dead. If you are a believer, Jesus has revealed Himself to you…He has done in your life a supernatural work that only God can do…and now He has called us to live and walk in the power of the Resurrection, the power that raised Him from the dead that abides in all genuine believers.

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