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Writer's picturePastor Tony Pierce



Speaking the truth is not easy…we must speak it anyway. Following Jesus is difficult…we must follow Him anyway. Standing against perversion of the Scripture requires we stand in the minority…stand anyway. Stephen was an incredible brother in Christ. He shows us what it is to be filled with the Holy Spirit and walk in the power of God. He stood alone and boldly spoke the Word of God. The Lord put Stephen before the religious elite of his day…have you ever wonder where God would put you if you would just live a life controlled by the Holy Spirit. We might be amazed at where God is ready to use us…but we can’t stand there and speak the Lord’s Word without being filled with the Holy Spirit. Stephen began by sharing the history of God’s work through Abraham, and then through the nation of Israel…each time the people rebelled and sinned against God. Stephen gets to the place where God was working through David and Solomon, and he suddenly stops his speech. He looks at them and calls them stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart…those who would resist the Holy Spirit. He speaks of the fact that their fathers killed the prophets of God. Some would say, “wait, Stephen should have been nicer and he should have spoken kinder and more positive words”. No, Stephen needed to speak the truth…and then let the truth land where it landed. The religious leaders were enraged, so they stoned Stephen to death…all while Saul looked on. Stephen showed his heart as when he was dying he echoed the words of Jesus, and asked God to not hold this against them. As Stephen was about to die he looks up and the heavens open and he sees Jesus standing to welcome him home. My great hope is that one day Jesus will stand up and welcome me home.

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