Sometimes as a Pastor we wonder if people are really listening to what is being shared… and unfortunately, and wrongly, we often attribute to our youth that they are not listening. Many years ago, when I was a teenager, my Pastor, Don Reed, shared a message called… ”The Man I Could Have Been”. To this day the Lord uses this sermon I heard over 50 years ago in my life. My Pastor’s sermon was from the passage of Scripture we have read in today’s reading in Judges. Samson was given so much more that any man in his generation, but instead of using it for God, he squandered it all. This passage, and my Pastor’s sermon on it, have been used by the Lord to motivate me to stay the course, to not squander the call that God has on my life, and to guard myself from becoming involved in a situation that would destroy my witness, my family, and my ministry. One has to wonder what Samson could have accomplished if he would had been faithful with what God had given him. The issue is never what we have in comparison to other people…the issue is the proper stewardship of what God has given us. In 2 Peter 1 we are encouraged to walk in the certainty of the Scriptures, the very Word of God…when we faithfully do this, we have all we need for all that God has called us to. As we utilize what God has given us in the Scriptures, in our personal experience with Him, and we continue to grow…we place ourselves in a position to take advantage of all that God has provided.
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