Today’s theme is that giving people understand that all they have comes from God. These people realize that God has poured into their lives in order that they might give and be a blessing to others. There is nothing on this earth that we can take to heaven with us, except those we were privileged to touch with the message of the Gospel through our willingness to give everything to God. We don’t exist for wealth or material things…they are but tools given to us by God to be a blessing to others. In Numbers the Israelites had come to the time of the building of the tabernacle…this would take resources. God had blessed His people with so much, and as the nation of Israel recognized this, they we generous in their giving to the work of God. They were willing to be used of God with all that they had in order that others might know that the salvation of the Lord. The psalmist leads the people to exalt the Lord. He called them to recognize that the Lord God Almighty was among them, in the very tabernacle that they generously gave their money to be built. This was generations later, yet the Lord was still blessing others because of the willingness of His people to give. Our Lord has given us so much…we are greatly blessed…and we are blessed to be a blessing. What do you have that you will not give to God? If there is anything, then you are thinking irrationally and selfishly…we must realize it all belongs to Him anyway. We need to live every aspect of our lives exalting the Lord, for He is holy!
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