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Writer's picturePastor Tony Pierce



John begins his ministry in the region of the Judean dessert. His ministry was one of calling people to repentance, as he was the forerunner of the Messiah. He was set there by God to prepare the hearts of the people for Jesus’ coming. He was a prophet…called the greatest of the prophets by Jesus. He was a Nazarite, meaning from birth he was called of God to be separate from the world and serve the Lord. His hair and beard were never cut, and he could not eat anything unclean, or drink of the fruit of the vine. He would baptize his followers…this he did when they repented as a visual of their sins being cleansed. The tradition of water baptism carried over to the church after Pentecost. John did not use soft language and would preach against sin regardless of the political, social, or religious standing of his audience…he, like God, was no respecter of persons…and neither can we be when it comes to the Gospel. Chapter 3 ends with the genealogy of Jesus from His earthly father, Joseph, through David, through Judah, all the way back to Adam. You might notice that Adam is called the son of God. While Jesus is the only “Son of God”, this term “son(s) of God” is used for two others in the Scripture. The angels are called the “sons of God” six times in the Old Testament…and Adam is called the “son of God” here in Luke. No one else is given this designation, though believers are called the “children of God”. Why? One explanation is that of all creatures only the angels and Adam (Eve) were special creations of God…everyone else is here through the process of pro-creation. Of course, Jesus is the eternal Son of God conceive in the flesh by the Holy Spirit…His body was prepared for Him by God Himself.

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