In our reading today, we see the consequences of sin…let us not be deceived, sin always brings consequences. James in his epistle says that when sin is “fully grown”, it brings forth death. Paul tells us in Romans that the “wages” of sin is death. Sin always has consequences, and not just for those who are guilty of the sin. We need to realize that sin always affects the innocent. We live in a post-Christian nation, where God has been “thrown out” of everything…even in some cases, His own church. This rejection of God…this blatant disobedience to God…this living in sin, is and will have dire consequences upon the world, our nation, our communities, our homes, and our churches. In Numbers, we see the result of sin…it brought the destruction of the Midianites…it caused the Israelites to continue in disobedience with the women of Midian…and it brought the death of the prophet Balaam. In John we see the sin of Judas, as he betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver…this brought the cross, as well as Judas’ own suicide. Then, Peter sins in his pride. He brags that he would follow Jesus…yet he would be humbled as Jesus told him that he would actually deny the Lord three times. This pride cost Peter. The Lord was certainly gracious in restoring Peter, but Peter had to walk through a time of both grief and guilt, dealing with the consequences of his sin. We need to realize that all sin has consequences…we must stay surrendered to the Holy Spirit, and walk only in the way of Jesus.
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