Jesus tells us that we need to discern the times in which we live. There are signs all around us that we are moving at breakneck speed toward judgment and the coming of Jesus. As we discern the times we are to walk in Jesus with integrity. The opposite of integrity is hypocrisy. Integrity is a rare commodity, while hypocrisy is found in abundance. Hypocrisy is not found in followers of Christ who desire to walk in His way and make mistakes…but it is found in those who have no intention of walking in Christ, but want everyone to believe they are. This is the way of the pharisee. This is seen in every group in the world today, from the church to the political groups. Any group that requires of others standards that they themselves have no intention of observing are hypocrites. Jesus shared parables about the foolishness of putting our security in riches instead of in the Lord…and He tells us to the kingdom of God. As we wait for the return of the Lord we are instructed to wait with anticipation…we are to remain faithful to the Lord as we wait…and we are to realize that there is a cost to remain a follower of Jesus. Once again, we are reminded that the world hates and rejects the Lord…they will hate and reject those who follow the Lord. Let me encourage you to let the Lord and His Word determine how you walk…don’t let the lost world try to tell you what a Christian is supposed to be and how we are to walk…they don’t know.
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