First, let me correct an error in my writing yesterday. I stated that the children of Dathan, Abiram, and Korah perished with their rebellious fathers, when the earth opened up and swallowed them. Numbers 26:10-11, tells us that though the children of Dathan and Abiram did die that day, the children of Korah did not. This shows that the children of Korah did not join in their father’s rebellion…this also shows that each was accountable for their own sins. I am grateful to a brother who reminded me of this important Scriptural information and truth.
Today’s theme is that it is God who places His call on a persons life. When He calls a person, He does so at His good pleasure. Some might think they could do a better job at selecting who will lead God’s people to serve the Lord…but this is God’s place, not the place of people. God had Moses take rods from each of the leaders home, write their name on them and take them to the tabernacle. The rod that blossomed would belong to the God called man to serve as high priest…Aaron’s rod blossomed. This was done to stop they ungodly practice of people in the nation from selecting God’s man…only God can do that…then and now!
John 1 is all about God’s revelation, and God’s selection. Jesus is revealed as the eternal Word…eternal God who took on flesh and dwelt among us, revealing to us the glory of the Father. John the baptizer is there as God’s chosen prophet to declare the coming of Messiah. He is used of God to reveal that Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. The chapter ends with Jesus choosing the first group of His disciples. Again, God does the choosing, God gives the call…these things do not not belong to we humans, but to God. Then…and now!
Please share your thoughts.