This chapter has Paul giving a defense for his faith. Notice he is not defending God…for God needs no defense. Paul is taking the opportunity to tell others about his faith in Jesus, and how the Lord had worked in his life to bring him to faith. Are you ready to give others your testimony of faith? Paul gives us a good outline for putting together our testimony. Paul tells of where he was…he then tells what the Lord did for him, in saving him…then he shares how his life has changed since salvation. They did not receive or like Paul’s testimony…yet he continued to share. We share because our testimony is true…we share because our testimony glorifies God…we share because others might be brought to God through our testimony.
The commander of the Roman guard restrained Paul, until he found out that Paul was a natural born Roman citizen. Even the commander stated that he had to pay in order to become a citizen. He became very worried for the way they had treated a citizen of Rome. Paul’s Roman citizenship afforded him access to the Gentiles that no other Jew had…and ultimately, it would allow him to stand and speak before the high Roman officials. Remember, the Lord has put you and me in the place that we are, in order to afford us the opportunity to share our testimony of faith with the people around us that God has appointed to hear His Gospel. Go and share!
Please share your thoughts from today’s reading.