Paul tells us that one of the key indicators of a spiritually immature church and Christian is that they are divided by personalities. That is, they claim to be followers of certain Pastors instead of following Christ. What is ultimately important is not who Pastors your church, but does he point you to Jesus. Some Pastors are all about building their own little kingdom…and some churches are all about installing their very own “king”. The church must remember its all about Jesus. We are to follow Him alone…and our allegiance needs to be to Him alone. Biblical churches and biblical Pastors are not in competition with any other biblical church or biblical Pastor. We are the body of Christ…and we are working together for Christ’s kingdom. Jesus is the foundation of the church…meaning everything is about Him, and everything in the church is to point to Him. We work for His kingdom, not for our own. We are involved in an eternal work, not in building temporal kingdoms here on the earth. Religion is about building up itself…biblical Christianity is about lifting up Jesus. We must remember that each of us are accountable to God…and this is certainly true of the Pastor. The Pastor’s call is not from the people and his message is not given to please the people. A true Pastor has a call from God, and he speaks that which pleases God and brings glory to Him. So, in the church it's not about the pastor or the people…it’s about Jesus!
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