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Writer's picturePastor Tony Pierce



My view of most worship in churches today is that it is more about us than the Lord. Preference seems to be all in vogue in this area of the church. Style becomes more important than we gravitate to a place that suits us, never really asking if what is taking place is for God. I have heard it said that in true worship there is an audience of one...the Lord. He alone is worthy of our worship...and He alone should be our concern as to what we offer in worship and how we offer it. At this point, everyone will have their opinion as we assume that what we like, God must like also. There are those who say it really doesn't matter what you offer in worship, as long as it’s from your heart...but is that what the Scripture teaches?

When we read the Old Testament instructions given to Moses, we find that God is very specific when it comes to worship. He gave commands concerning everything that was to happen in worship. It was true then as it is now, that the heart of the person worshiping was very important and needed to be right before God and that rightness was shown in obedience. In other words, when it comes to worship, the Lord is to be in control...He leads and we respond to His leadership by offering up to Him both what He desires and deserves. Worship should never be about us or our preferences, but about the Lord and what He wants. Biblical worship is always Holy Spirit inspired...Holy Spirit lead...and directed toward our worthy God. Jesus spoke of worship in the New Testament as being based in "Spirit and truth." Again, the Spirit must be leading in order for it to be worship and truth is vitally important. Worship is never empty emotionalism, or wild, out of control, self-centered celebration. Worship is God's people coming before a Holy God, led by the Holy Spirit, offering up to Him all that He requires, because He alone is worthy. Anything less is not worship but is a man-centered religious exercise.

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