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Writer's picture: Pastor Tony PiercePastor Tony Pierce


When it comes to salvation we have the tendency to get all religious. We assume that if you are religious then that makes you right with God. So, people spend their whole lives living a religion supposing they are right with God. God did not send His Son into the world to establish another religion...He sent Him because man was lost in their sin and needed a Savior. Religion does not and cannot save. Salvation is ONLY found in a relationship with the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Religion is man's attempt at getting to God, at pleasing God, at appeasing God, in hopes to gain heaven. Biblical salvation is a free gift of a loving God that He gives because of His matchless grace; this gift takes us from death to life and makes us the very children of God.

Mankind is very creative when it comes to seeking salvation. There is every flavor of religion under the sun in our world...every "ism" the mind can conceive. Man deceives himself when he thinks that somehow he can obtain heaven...that somehow he can work his way to God...that he can be good enough to merit heaven. If man could do those things there would have been no need for Jesus to come. If religion could make us right with God, then the cross was unnecessary. The truth is that every religious effort to try to gain salvation is an affront to Christ, the cross and the Resurrection. If we reject Jesus we have no salvation. It is when we trust in Him for who He is and for what He has done that we receive the salvation that God offers us. Don't be deceived, no man or institution can give you salvation… salvation is in Christ alone!

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