Does it really matter what Gospel we preach? It seems like a silly question, but there is a continual growing group of voices in the religious community that declare it doesn't matter. They want you to believe any "gospel" is alright, just as long as you are sincere in your beliefs. Sincerity is a wonderful thing...but you can be sincerely wrong. There are those who teach that there must be many ways to heaven, because there are so many people with so many varying belief systems. Jesus said..."I am the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except by Me." He makes it pretty clear that there is only one way to salvation for all people, regardless from where they come. We must never be confused. It is not man who determines how we come to God and salvation...it is God who decides how that happens. He said, "no other name given among men whereby we must be saved"...the name, JESUS!
The Apostle Paul said that, "If anyone comes to you offering another Gospel other than that which you have received, let them be accursed." The Apostle was so concerned that the Gospel be the one and only true Gospel, that he declared damnation on anyone who would, change, replace, or pervert the Gospel. Why? Because we are dealing with the precious souls of humans created by God. For someone to declare a different gospel...and then for others to believe their false gospel would cause them to miss God and salvation. There is only one Gospel that saves...there are not many. Every other "gospel" is a false gospel that leads to an eternity without God. We have been given such a wonderful gift by God, the Gospel that brought us salvation. We don't need to change it, water it down, replace it, apologize for it, be ashamed of it or pervert it. We just need to share it in the purity in which God gave it!
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