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Writer's picture: Pastor Tony PiercePastor Tony Pierce


A great promise from God’s Word for those who believe in Jesus as Savior... "Greater is He who is in you, than He who is in the world." Two things our minds cannot even begin to fully comprehend...the glory, goodness, holiness and love of our wonderful God...and the hideous evil, wickedness, destructive nature of Satan. It is God's purpose to pour Himself into our lives that we might know life and it is the work of the Devil to bring death. God brings freedom from both the power and enslavement of sin. Satan brings enslavement to sin. God is truth. The Devil is always a liar! God is love. Satan hates everyone and everything. The Lord builds us up and Satan is all about destruction. God brings clarity, but the Devil is the deceiver! In Christ we have the promise of eternal life...Satan brings eternal death. God cares for you, your family, your marriage and all mankind. Satan hates you vehemently and will do all he can to destroy you, your family, your marriage and all mankind! The Lord glories in His children but Satan is just waiting to see us fall, so he can celebrate his own warped sense of victory.

Our battle is spiritual, not against flesh and blood while this battle will always manifest itself in our physical world. Satan loves it when he can deceive we humans to hate one another...when he can convince us that our enemy is that person who is not like us, who has skin of a different color, speaks a different language and has a different worldview. I am convinced he sits back and laughs his evil laugh when he sees how people, even Christians, are buying into his deception. Don't be deceived; know who the real enemy is and what he is up to. God called us to love one another...yes even our enemies. We decide whether we will walk in the truth or in deception. Don't let the enemy of your soul, who is a defeated being, have any place of victory in your life...but let the one who created you, who loves you enormously, have His victory in you. Jesus is Lord, listen to Him!

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