I hope you can get excited about what the Lord has done in your life. There is nothing wrong with expressing that excitement to Him. I have known people who have said, "I could never speak out, or raise my hands in church, no matter what...I believe in reverence before the Lord." I do too. But reverence is more than sitting quietly. It is irreverent to the Lord if the Holy Spirit tells you to say Amen or raise your hands and you refuse to do so. To be sure, people are not required to do either; unless of course the Holy Spirit leads you...then you must be obedient. In the biblical church it is the Holy Spirit who leads the worship of the saints, just like it is the Holy Spirit who is the Teacher of the church. Expression of our gratitude to God is an important part of our worship.
"Let the redeemed of the Lord say so"..."Make a joyful noise unto the Lord"..."Shout to the Lord"..."Tell what the Lord has done for you"..."Are you HAPPY this morning...well tell your face." Okay that last one is not quite in the same category as the others, but you get my point. We have been given so much by our wonderful Savior. We need to express our unending gratitude to Him in our worship. Seems we can get excited about just about everything else in life...shouldn't our excitement for our Lord top the list. Some are worried about a "free for all" in the church. That will never happen when the Holy Spirit is leading and His people are responding. Listen to His voice, let Him lead you in your worship...He will always guide you into true worship, "in spirit and in truth." Speak up when He says...sing when He directs...shout when He calls you to...raise your hands and hearts in praise as He leads and yes, be still when He calls for that. Worship the Lord unashamedly and always in the Spirit.
Please share your thoughts.