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Writer's picture: Pastor Tony PiercePastor Tony Pierce


Are you hungry today? Do you need some real nourishment? What are you feeding your soul? I hope you are daily feasting on the "bread of life"...the Word of God. Far too many Christians feed their souls with "spiritual junk food" rather than on the wonderful nourishing Word of God. Like the body if it only gets junk food cannot function, our spiritual lives will be weak and ineffective if all we take in is junk. We need the Word of God. The Bible gives us the nourishment and strength we need every day. There is no substitute for what God gives us in His Word. The Psalmist talked about it as "honey to his lips." You see it's not only good for you, it is good!

I am convinced that the reason many professing Christians fall away in the world and go into apostasy is because they are not grounded in the Word. There is a biblical illiteracy that is frightening in many of our churches...and this illiteracy is fueled by Pastors who do not really emphasize, teach and preach the necessity of biblical study and application. It seems today many live by worldly clichés, urban myths and bad teachings based on man's philosophies, rather than on the Word of God. It is little wonder that the church is so weak and ineffective in our world. The Bible brings us into line with the mind of God...but too many would rather walk in the ways of man. One cannot emphasize too strongly the need for Christians to be in the Word. There is no way you can know God apart from His Word...there is no way you can know God's will apart from His Word...there is no way you can have the spiritual strength and wisdom you need apart from His Word. Get into your Bible each day, feast upon the bread of life, receive your spiritual nourishment from His Word and walk in the eternal truth He gives you by the power of His Holy Spirit.

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