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Writer's picture: Pastor Tony PiercePastor Tony Pierce


In contrast to the world, which demands one to be assertive in order to be successful, the Christian life's success is not found in assertiveness, but in yielding. Primarily this yielding must be to Christ. We are called to surrender our way and our will to Him. As Christians we are also called to yield to one another. Such verses as, "Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ"..."Esteem others more highly than yourself"..."Love your neighbor as yourself,” are just a few of the biblical verses that teach us to yield to one another. In this yielding we show the heart of Christ who..."did not come to be served but to serve and give His life as a ransom." We don't always have to have our way...we don't always have to be right...we don't always have to be in charge. In our Christian faith others should be more important than self.

Our primary place of yielding needs to be toward the Lord, to be willing to turn it all over to Him. We easily talk about surrender, but I guarantee it is the hardest thing for all of us to do. Far too often we Christians believe that God agrees with us...that He is on our side...that He thinks the way we do. If we are not careful, we are going to start feeling that God is lucky to have us to steer Him in the right direction. Our faith is based on yielding and surrender, it is God who is in is Jesus who is is the Holy Spirit who uses a surrendered follower. We all struggle with yielding to Christ, but it is the only way to success as believers. Before you make a decision this coming week, any decision, big or small, ask the Lord first, wait for His answer and then yield to His will. It will change your life...your life will change your world. That's just what Jesus does through a yielded disciple!

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