For all of us focus can be very difficult...there are so many distractions in life. What is a distraction for the follower of Christ? Anything that takes our eyes off of Jesus and the things that He has commanded of us. The enemy of our soul loves it when he can use anything, be it a good thing or a bad thing, if he can get us not to walk in the Lord, surrendered to the Holy Spirit. Life is filled with activities and that is not necessarily bad...but if the activities push Jesus out, we are headed for trouble. It might surprise you that even in the church people can become so busy that they lose their focus on Christ. Any opportunity to do something in the church, or anywhere else, ought to be brought before the Lord...asking Him for His approval and if it is part of His will for us.
There is an old saying, "Christ must be Lord of all, or He is not Lord at all." This thought echoes the words of our Savior when He said, "Why do you call me Lord and then not do what I tell you?" Remember Jesus' first name is not "Lord" and His last name is not "Christ." Lord speaks of His position in our lives and in the whole of creation...He is to be, and He is in charge! Christ speaks of who He is for those who have eternal life...He is Messiah, the Anointed of God, our Savior! All this is said to remind us that Jesus is not just a part of our lives...He is our life. Jesus is not sitting on the outside watching...He is the center of our lives. Jesus is not in our lives to make suggestions...He is the Commander of our lives. Jesus should not be who we consider every now and then. He is to be THE focus of our lives. Don't be distracted by anything that would cause you to see Jesus as less than who He is to be in your life. When Christ is the focus...everything else becomes crystal clear!
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