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Writer's picture: Pastor Tony PiercePastor Tony Pierce


There is such a misunderstanding of what the Christian life is...not only in the world, but also in the church. Being a Christian is not primarily what you do...but what you are! Christ has changed you from the inside out. Because of whom we now are...what we do should reflect the life of Christ in us. Religion wants to modify the behavior in order that the person can be right with God – impossible! Biblical faith transforms the soul of the individual, making them right with God and in the process changing their behavior. The first is the work of man that has no real power to change and will cause man to miss God. The second is an act of God on us that always changes us and makes it possible for us to know and experience God.

Another issue that seems to be misunderstood by many is the teaching that we believers have both a secular and a sacred life. When it's time for us to go out in the world of work, recreation, politics and everyday life...well that is secular and has nothing really to do with my relationship with Christ. In like manner, this philosophy teaches that when it's time for church or religious activities that those things are sacred and we are to approach them from a religious perspective. As followers of Christ there is no such thing as sacred and secular...because we are His body, everything in our lives is sacred. Everything from the daily mundane work that you may do to taking care of the discussing life issues, it's all sacred. If being a Christian is who you are, then there is not a place that you go that is not touched by the Holy Spirit who lives inside you. Everything and everywhere to the believer is sacred. Stop trying to live in two different worlds. It not only confuses you, but it confuses the world concerning genuine biblical Christianity.

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