In the Scriptures there is this man who ministered with Paul; his name was Barnabas. His very name meant, "son of encouragement." You find him doing things in the early church to encourage others in the faith. We are told he sold his property and brought the money he had received to the Apostles so they would use it to take care of those who had need. When Paul could no longer take Mark with him as he ministered, Barnabas saw value in Mark and took him out to minister the Gospel in people's lives. When we think of Barnabas, we think of a person who lived to encourage other believers. He put their needs before his own. He was concerned with their physical, emotional and spiritual conditions. He stepped up and did what was needed to help others in their times of discouragement.
This is part of the ministry of the Gospel. We are to encourage the discouraged. Many times, we want to evaluate people who are discouraged so that we can share the reasons why they should not be and then we want to tell them to stop being discouraged. Discouragement happens to us all...and it certainly can come as we take our eyes off the Lord, but when it happens we don't want an evaluation. We want someone to minister to our spirit. People are hurting and they need the encouragement that comes with someone sharing the love of Jesus in their life. If today you are discouraged for whatever reason, can I remind you that God loves you enormously; He genuinely cares about everything going on in your life...He is there whether you feel Him or not. Share your discouragement with a trusted Christian brother or sister and let them love and encourage you. Life is hard and it brings discouragement into all our lives. In those times we just need someone to care, someone to listen and someone to encourage us. Be that someone today!
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