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Writer's picture: Pastor Tony PiercePastor Tony Pierce


It is God who provides all we have...when we pray, and both ask and thank Him for what we have; we are acknowledging that He is the provider. We fool ourselves to ever think we do it on our own...yet I have heard people say, "God didn't provide that, I did it all on my own!" Really and who gave you the ability to do what you do? Who gave you the air to breathe? Who gave you health, so you could work? When you get right down to it...who gave you life and allowed you to exist? Without God we are nothing and we can do nothing. This is true for those who will acknowledge it and for those who will not. To refuse to acknowledge that God is the provider falls into the category of, "It is the fool who says in his heart that there is no God." -Psalm 14:1.

For we who believe in God and know that He is the provider we must ask when is enough, enough? We want to be careful that we don't have so much that we begin to rely on what we have rather than the One who provided it. It is not wrong to have things, nor is it wrong to have many things, as long as those things are not controlling us, and they are not what we live for. If we are not careful, we could fall into the trap of existing to keep our things. We need to always remind ourselves that the Lord is the provider, and He provides blessings to us in order that we might be a blessing. To be sure we must be good stewards of what He has provided, but at the same time we must be careful not to become hoarders of it. My personal test concerning any possession and whether it is controlling me is to ask the question..."is there any possession I have, that if the Lord told me to give it away, that I would love it too much to obey Him?" If there is something like that in my life, or in yours, then we have forgotten that the One who provided it, is the One who really owns it and we are merely stewards.

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