Biblical faith is not the result of works, but biblical faith always results in works. What does this mean? It means that when we respond to the Lord, He will always show Himself in us by producing His good works. It does not mean that we get saved by faith then we go out in our flesh, by our own initiative, in our own strength and do the best we can for God. It is Christ in us that produces biblical works through faith. James reminds us that faith that does not produce works is a dead faith...what can something that is dead do? Absolutely nothing! So, in the Kingdom of God there is no such thing as a lazy Christian..."pew potatoes" are not acceptable. For if Christ is at work, and He is, then He will be at work in and through us.
I love the way Henry Blackaby speaks about this in his study called, "Experiencing God." He reminds us that it is not we who are on mission, but that it is God who is on mission all around us. God, who is on mission, has privileged us by letting us join Him in this great work. By faith we respond to our Lord and what He is doing...by faith we join Him in His wonderful work. The great thing about this great work is that the Lord supplies all we need to do what He is leading us to do. As a matter of fact, the Lord is our supply! Biblical faith always moves us into action in Jesus. If Jesus is reaching souls, then so are we. If Jesus is ministering to the poor, the orphan, the widow, then so are we. If Jesus is concerned about injustice, then so are we. Our faith requires us to respond to the Lord in all circumstances and situations. If we do not, then our faith is as good as dead. Walk in that living faith that is centered in Christ, the faith that has Christ busy in you producing His good works!
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