Jesus taught us to pray for God's Kingdom and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Satan was defeated at the cross and through the Resurrection, but he is still actively doing his will everywhere. When we have Jesus as our Savior, Satan has no power except the power we give him. When we walk in the flesh rather than in the Spirit, we open ourselves to Satan's attacks. In Christ, we have been given the victory over the enemy of our souls...never be mistaken, he is, seeking who he might kill, what he might steal and desiring to destroy. That is what he is all about, it's his nature and it is what he will do until the time Christ returns and establishes His Kingdom.
Jesus taught us to pray..."our Father"...showing that the basis for our prayers being heard and answered is the relationship we have with God through Jesus. God is our Father..."who is in heaven"...speaking of His majesty, His eternal position and power above all things. Jesus reminds us to remember that..."God is holy"...God is above all things, He is pure, holy and righteous. Then Jesus taught us to ask God for His… “Kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven." Only God can bring about His kingdom. There are those who teach the church will bring in the Kingdom of God-- impossible! If the church could, the church would. In the exact right time, the Lord will return to establish His Kingdom here on earth. And there won't be anyone or anything to stop Him...His plan is unchangeable. We are told to look and pray for this day....in this prayer...when we share communion...in the book of Acts...and certainly in the book of Revelation, as well as many other places. Jesus is coming again! And He will set up His eternal Kingdom which will change everything. Are you ready for the soon coming King?
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