Matthew gives us the genealogy of Jesus back to Abraham…this genealogy is through his earthly father Joseph. Though Jesus had none of Joseph’s blood in his veins, it was important to show the genealogy in fulfillment of prophecy. First, Messiah would be of the seed of Abraham, and second that He would be in the line of David. Matthew records for us the angel visiting Joseph and informing him that Mary was pregnant with the Son of God. He was also instructed to name the Child, Jesus, declaring why Messiah had come…to save people from their sin. This child would be Immanuel, spoken of by Isaiah the Prophet, born of a virgin. Joseph married Mary, but refrained from having intimate relations with her until after Jesus was born. The plan of God was coming to fulfillment in the lives of these two common, unremarkable, people. God still does that…He still takes unremarkable people, and He does remarkable things through them. Remember God is not looking for your ability in 2024…He is looking for your availability. Be ready to be used of God to use you for His glory, in ways you never imagined. That’s what Christian faith is all about.
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