Our reading in Leviticus brings us to the end of the instructions of the offerings that the Lord commanded from His peoples, Israel. We see that there were six offerings required…the burnt, the grain, the sin, the trespass, the consecrations, and the sacrifice of peace offerings. These were to be brought to the Lord as an express of a people in right relationship with their God. They not only required a distinct item be brought as the offering, but they required a right heart of the giver. The Lord is always concerned about our hearts. The biblical model always is that our hearts be right with God, and all other things flow out of the right relationship. Our giving, our service, our worship, and all others things we offer to God are to flow out of a right relationship with Him. These things do not establish a right relationship…they reflect a right relationship.
In 2 Corinthians 9 Paul deals with how the church is to give. We are to be ready to give…we live to give, not to get. There will always be those in need, and the church needs to be ready to give in order to meet those needs. Second, we are given the principles on how we give. If we give a little, we will reap a little. The amount is not always determined by how much we give, but in how much we give in comparison to how much we have. Remember the widow who gave two mites, and Jesus said she gave more than anyone else that day…because she gave out of her need, while others gave out of their abundance. Finally, when we give we demonstrate faith in God. In giving we are expressing the truth that we believe God will always take care of us. We release to others in their time of need, knowing that God is always pouring into our lives. The old axiom is true…” You cannot out give God!”
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