In today’s reading we once again look at the theme of God deciding what He will accept as offerings from us…and how those offerings are to be brought. One thing that is universally true is that we are all sinners…this is the condition and practice of every human since Adam, except for Jesus. Sin always costs…there is a price to pay for our sin. In our Leviticus’ reading we see the requirement of God for a sin offering. This offering was to be brought by those who sinned, but have not intentionally entered into a lifestyle of sin. While it is true we are all sinners, there is also a clear distinction in the Scripture between those who sin, regret and hate their sin, and those who intentionally chose to live in a lifestyle of sin, rebelling against God. The Lord was very specific with the priests on how to receive and offer the sin offering to Him. This looks forward to the very specific way that the offering for our sin would be offered through Jesus on the cross. Only God can decide what is an acceptable offering for sin…only God can decide how that offering is given…and only God can decide who is worthy to be that offering. The giving of these offerings, or any offerings, to the Lord was not meant to be a burden…but freeing.
It is the heart that gives that grows and is blessed. The selfish heart dies. Paul spoke of the Macedonians, who had very little, but we so generous to share with those who had need. We are blessed of God to be a blessing. When we give we are to do so with a grateful heart, and with a heart of joy. God does not need our money…but the kingdom of God will use our money to bless others in the body of Christ. We are all rich in the Lord in so many ways, and if the Lord chooses to bless us with monetary resources it is never just for us…but for others in the kingdom of God. God cares for His people, and the primary way He does this is through His people. What we have has been freely given to us by the Lord…and we are called to freely give it to others who have needs. What a blessing and what a privilege. This is God’s way of giving offerings…it is the way He touches the lives of others for eternity.
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