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Writer's picture: Pastor Tony PiercePastor Tony Pierce


The grace of God, who can begin to fathom the enormity of it all? Grace is not deserved, nor can it be bought. While God's grace is freely given to the undeserving…it is in no way cheap. As a matter of fact, grace is costlier than our minds can begin to comprehend. It cost God everything. Jesus paid an enormous price for our redemption on the cross. Think about what Christ faced on the cross that we might experience the fullness of God's grace. The awful punishment that man put upon Him was unthinkable. But the Scriptures say that it was the Father who poured out His wrath on His Son for our sin. Jesus experienced the full justice of God for the sin we were guilty of. He did it not because He owed us...nor was He required to do it...nor did He do it because we were worthy. He did it because He is a Savior of great love who extends His saving grace to us all. That is amazing grace!

God has extended His grace to all and we who have received His grace are called to share that grace with others. God didn't extend His grace to us because we deserved it or because He saw something special in us. He paid the enormous price of our sin on the cross because of who He is, not who we are. As we share the grace of God through the gospel of Jesus Christ, we are called to share with everyone, everywhere. We must be careful not to predetermine who we feel is worthy of the gospel. If you ever have difficulty sharing with certain people the gospel because for some reason you don't find them deserving of your time, your care, your concern...think back to where you were and what you were like when the grace of God found you. We have a wonderful gracious God, who has poured out His unmerited favor on us in salvation. It was not a cheap grace, but enormously costly for Him and He did it because He loves us. Find someone today and let God extend His grace through you to them!

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