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  • Writer's picturePastor Tony Pierce



For those who refuse to believe in Jesus as the Son of God, the only Savior for lost and sinful mankind, there is no amount of proof that will convince them. Those who are genuinely searching for answers about Christ will be brought to the truth…such was the case for Lee Stroble, and many other sincere searchers of truth. All of us come to Christ as unbelievers, but there is a class of unbelievers who care nothing about the truth…they don’t want to know the truth, but want to prove that they are right in their unbelief…such as atheist Christopher Hitchens. The Pharisees had just seen Jesus feed over 4000 people with a couple of fish and a few loaves of bread, but then said, “if you will just show us a sign, we will believe”. They were not looking for a reason to believe, they were there to prove they were right in their unbelief. Jesus knew this and caught them in their own trap…”it is a sinful and perverse generation that looks for a sign”. Why? Because no sign would ever be sufficient for those who love their ignorance and unbelief. The Lord does not exist to prove Himself to us…nor is He required to prove Himself. It is because of His grace and goodness that He shows us who He is. In our reading He heals a blind man miraculously. Peter gets it…as he comes to the realization that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. But, Peter didn’t figure it out, nor did he come to this realization because he was super spiritual…but he came to this truth by the revelation of the Holy Spirit. This is the same way anyone can, and everyone must, come to knowing who Jesus is.

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