In our reading today we are reminded that it is the Lord who decides what we bring to Him in ways of offerings and sacrifices. He decides how we present ourselves to Him. In Leviticus the Lord instructs Moses concerning the different type of offerings the people can bring to the Lord. These offerings are to be the first and the best…not the leftovers. The instruction is not only on what to bring, but also how the priests were to present the offerings to God. The Lord instructs Moses on the burnt offering, the grain offering, and the peace offering. Each have their God-given purpose and meaning. Each has specific instructions to the priests on how they are to be offered to God. Too often we humans want to decide what we will bring to the Lord…it is not we who should be making this decision…we should obediently, and joyfully, bring what the Lord requires.
In 2 Corinthians 7, Paul carries on this theme in speaking to the people of how they are to offer themselves to the Lord. The Lord requires that as we present ourselves as an offering to Him, we must come clean…unspotted by the things of this world. Paul speaks of the need for us to be right with both God, and with each other. It is in this way that we can rightly serve the Lord, and minister into each other’s lives. We need to be careful that we do not spend our Christian lives deciding what we will do, and how we will do it…we are to obediently follow our Lord in all things.
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