There will always be the religious deadheads who are more concerned with the proper religious appearance than they are for a persons relationship with the Lord. These were the Pharisees in today’s writing. Elsewhere Jesus called them the sons of the devil. Some are in our churches today. These people establish their own religious standards, traditions, and rituals in order to prove they are superior religiously to others…and to control people. They also do this to make people dependent upon them, rather than the Lord. When we come to the Lord He will always change us from the inside out. The Lord is concerned with our soul…and when that is right with Him our outward actions will follow. We do not do the “right” things to have a relationship with the Lord, we have a relationship with the Lord in order to do the right things. Our faith is based on a relationship with God through Jesus…and that relationship makes it possible for us to live lives that are pleasing to the Lord. Those desiring religion will never get it…sadly though they will drag others down in their meaningless, but dangerous pits.
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