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  • Writer's picturePastor Tony Pierce



Today’s theme is when the heart is right the offerings of self, service, and material things will be given freely and abundantly. After Moses intercedes for the people and then returns to the people with the re-establishment of the covenant…he calls the people to be obedient in all things, and to bring to the Lord an offering from willing hearts. These are the offerings that bring joy to the heart of God. It is not the things done out of religious duty or obligation. You know the kind I am talking about, the things we do because we are required to do them…but we don’t do them with a right and grateful heart. A genuine offering to God of ourselves, our service, or of our material possessions always come first from the heart. The heart that loves God with everything it is. The heart of gratitude, that recognizes all that we are and all that we have comes from God. The humble heart, that is overwhelmed with the thought that God would want us, or use us in His great kingdom’s work. It is out of these kinds of hearts that we give abundantly, willingly, and with great joy…like Paul described it, “hilariously”. In chapter 36 we have examples of gifted people, willingly serving and giving to the Lord through their artisanship. What do you have to joyously and willingly give to God? Give it, guaranteed it will be a blessing, not only to you, but to many others.

In 2 Corinthians 4, Paul reminds us of the mercy we have received through Jesus Christ. With joyful and thankful hearts, we are to share this wonderful gift with all people. In this way we minister to people at the point of their greatest need, and we serve the Lord. We do this because our hearts are right with God, not because it will be easy, or that everyone will be welcoming of us or our message. We are encouraged to not lose heart. Even if our physical person is wearing out and at the point of perishing. For the temporary troubles of this world cannot compare to the eternal rewards that the Lord has set aside for those who love Him. We are called not to focus on the things that are seen and temporal, but on the things that are unseen and eternal.

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