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Writer's picture: Pastor Tony PiercePastor Tony Pierce


Does it not amaze you that God loves you? It certainly amazes me that the Creator of everything loves me. He loves us completely...He loves us unconditionally...He loves us enormously! God loves us perfectly. There is no way God could love you more than He does right now and it's not possible for His love to ever be less than what it fully is. My original understanding of God's love when I was a child all the way up to adulthood was that God loved me when I did what was right, but when I failed He loved me less. God does not love like that; He always loves us fully, completely and perfectly. When we humans love most of the time it is based on the response we get...God loves us because He loves us. God is love!

The Bible makes some truths very clear. First, "we love Him, because He first loved us." God is the initiator of all things, including love. Second, "God demonstrated His love toward us, while we were yet sinners." God did not wait for us to get our act together and then express His love to, He loved us when we were in sin, when we rejected Him, when we blasphemed His Name. Third, God's love is always shown by His actions..."For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son..." God doesn't just talk about love...He doesn't just feel loved...He always demonstrates His love. God shows us in His example of love that genuine love is an action, not merely a feeling. God has called us to that kind of love. First, toward Him..."Love the Lord your God with all your heart..." Second, toward others..."Love your neighbor as yourself." These are the two greatest commandments and on these two rest the whole of the law. Now, because God has loved Him and love one another. Go on out there today and every day and love both friend and enemy in Jesus' Name!

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