This chapter opens with silence in heaven for about a half an hour. John sees seven angels standing before God holding seven trumpets. Another angel takes a golden censer with incense to offer it to God along with the prayers of the saints. Don’t ever think that your prayers do not matter, or that God does not hear them…they are brought before Him by His holy angels. The angel took this censor and threw it to the earth, which brought noises, thunderings, lightnings, and an earthquake. The first angel blows his trumpet, and hail mixed with fire falls on the earth, this was also mingled with blood. This killed a third of the trees, and all the green grass was burned up. The second angel blows his trumpet, and a large burning mountain falls from the sky into the sea. This makes the sea like blood and kills a third of the living creatures in the sea, and destroys a third of the ships. The third angel blows his trumpet, and a star (meteor) falls from heaven and destroys a third of the rivers and springs of water. The fresh water is poisoned and many people died from the water. Then the fourth angel blows his trumpet, and the sun, moon, and stars were darkened by a third of their normal light. As bad as these four angels’ trumpets were, they are just a precursor to the horrible things that are about to hit the earth. This is God warning us of the judgment that is about to come upon the earth…it should motivate us to become right with God. This is a time to focus on our relationship and walk with God, and not compromise with this world, that one day soon will be destroyed by God’s judgment.
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