God put Mordecai in a place where he heard two of the king’s eunuchs plot to kill the king. Mordecai shared this information and the plot was stopped. Haman is promoted, and he really loves people bowing in his presence…he hated Mordecai because he refused to bow to anyone but God. This enraged Haman to the point that his hatred was directed to all Jews, and he plotted to exterminate all the Israelites. Haman lied about the Jews and convinced the king to decree a death warrant to every Jew. Neither seemed to understand this would include Queen Esther. This did not quench Haman’s hatred toward Mordecai, and he had gallows built to hang Mordecai on. Mordecai had a plan to have Esther entreat the king, and to trap the deceptive Haman. Psalm 10 is a call to the Lord for help. There are times in life that the Lord seems so far away, especially in those times that we are going through very hard things. We need to realize that the Lord has a plan, and His hand is never restrained. Our lack of understanding ought not cause us to doubt the Lord’s promise. In Acts, Paul is before King Agrippa, sharing his testimony. Agrippa is unable to find any charge that would rise to the level of Paul being in prison, or to be put to death. Paul, as a Roman citizen, appealed to Caesar…and the king said he would have set him free except for this appeal. Paul had an appointment in Rome…the Lord was moving him there to use him in a great way to again spread the Gospel to that part of the world. We need to keep our eyes on the Lord, regardless of what we have to go through…He is still God, and still in control.
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