In Chapter 18 of Revelation, we have the fall of the world economic system of the tribulation. The world will grow increasingly dependent on the system, and independence will not be a characteristic of the tribulation time. Everything that people are allowed to do, including making money, and even eating will be regulated by the system of the Antichrist. The “mark of the beast” will insure control of the people. People will worship the Antichrist and see him and his system as the all-knowing benevolent lord who provides for the welfare of the people. As long as people have food, a home, and a system that “takes care” of them they follow the Antichrist with their whole heart and soul. But, all of the sudden the system collapses upon itself, and the world is left with nothing except empty promises of the Antichrist and his worthless economic system. The world goes into a time of great mourning for they are left with nothing with the fall of the system. Mankind will reject God for a false system and a false god…only to find that the false system and false god cannot provide the basics of life, much less what people really need. At the fall of this false system heaven will rejoices at God’s judgment of mankind’s attempt to live without God. This system was guilty of the blood of the prophets and the saints, but God will have the last say. Put your trust in Jesus while there is time. The judgment of God is coming and nothing or no one will be able to stand against Almighty God.
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