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Writer's picture: Pastor Tony PiercePastor Tony Pierce


How would you respond as a prisoner of Christ? Paul knew he was in the place where God allowed him to be, in order to share the Lord’s important message to the church. Chapter 4 of Ephesians emphasizes what the church is and how it should function. We are called to humility as we walk with one another, we are called to be longsuffering with one another, and we are called to love one another. In other words, we are to be like Jesus, and the only way that is possible is for we who are the church to be impowered and led by the Holy Spirit. We are unified in Christ…and we are called to live in that unity. The true church is ONE body and ONE Spirit. We have ONE Lord, ONE faith, ONE baptism, and ONE God and Father of all who are part of the church. It is the Lord Jesus that makes this kind of unity possible…and it is important to understand that there is no true unity apart from Jesus. He made it possible in His coming, and establishing His church, then giving to the church the apostles, prophets, evangelists, and pastors/teachers. These were given for the equipping of the saints (the members of the church), to do the ministry of the Gospel. In Christ we are the body that speaks God’s truth, we grow up in the Lord, and we are knit together in order that all be involved in the edification of the whole body.

We must not forget what we were when the Lord found us…and in remembering, commit to no longer walk in the way of our lost condition. As we have learned Christ, we are commanded to live different from the lost world. Our conduct should reflect the change that Jesus has brought into our lives. He saved us, not to just get to heaven, but to change us from the inside out…He saved us to transform our lives and our conduct. We are called not to grieve the Holy Spirit. You might ask how do we grieve the heart of the Holy Spirit? Don’t be bitter, don’t respond with wrath or anger, don’t quarrel, don’t speak evil, and don’t act with malice. But rather…be kind, be tenderhearted, be forgiving…for these things bless the heart of God. As God has acted toward us in His forgiveness, love, mercy, and grace…let us do likewise to one another.

Please share your thoughts from today’s reading.


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